Glorious vintage MIRIAM HASKELL gilt gold “bow” brooch with silver grey seed pearls. The brooch is connected with four silver link chains and one vintage gold tube chain that ties it all together beautifully!
Miriam Haskell opened her jewelry boutique in New York City in 1924 and instantly became known around the world for her selection of materials, designs and craftsmanship. Joan Crawford, Lucille Ball, Gloria Vanderbilt and the Duchess of Windsor were huge fans of Miriam Haskell jewelry and wore her pieces often.
This magnificent signed Mariam Haskell necklace is extraordinary in beauty and design. Every piece of Miriam Haskell jewelry was made by hand. Each bead, each crystal, each pearl was picked up by hand, hand-wired to an intricate brass filigree backing, and ultimately backed to a second filigree concealing any trace of construction.